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If you were suffering from

neurological disease.

If you were suffering from

neurological diseases

For your comfort, we are coming to you with some of the best professors in neurology from American universities.

ProximityFocal is the telehealth pioneer.

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      Some conditions have no cure yet, … however, there is hope. title_stroke

      Is your child suffering from cerebral Congenital diseases?

      Your child could be suffering from cerebral congenital diseases like hydrocephalus or brain atrophy and you are searching for the right treatment plan that will help stabilizing their case or making progression

      In complex neurological cases, treatment starts with the correct diagnosis and tested protocols that are proposed by an experienced consulting specialist, from our large network of consultants, who has seen and treated many cases similar to your child.

      ProximityFocal offers you the opportunity to connect you with one of the most experienced consulting specialists in the world for your case without the need of costly traveling. All you have to do, is make an appointment now.

      Are you ready for the most important step towards treatment and a cure?

      Treatment and a health plan that is customized for your case along with a correct diagnosis.

      ProximityFocal will provide you with a health plan that fits your case

      ProximityFocal offers you more services

      Multiple Sclerosis (MS): title_stroke

      MS is a chronic disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS) and causes different symptoms that range in severity from one person to another.

      What are the causes of MS? title_stroke

      The causes are not known and is still under research and investigation. We understand, however, that it has an autoimmune element. It works by attacking the nerve cells and the myelin sheath (that acts like a cover, protecting the raw nerve) in the CNS. This attack causes an inflammation of the myelin sheath, thusly disrupting the neural signals between different parts of the CNS.

      What kinds of MS are there? title_stroke

      *||  Relapsing-remitting MS (the most common)

      *|| Secondary progressive MS

      *|| Primary progressive MS

      What is the global incidence of MS? And who is more prone to the disease? title_stroke

      *|| Total global population of people with MS is 2.3 million.

      *|| Women are more likely to get MS and outweigh men 3:1 and mostly affects young adults starting from age 20 to 50 years old.

      How to control its symptoms? And medications are available? title_stroke

      التحكم في أعراض المرض
      بروكسيميتي فوكال للاستشارات الطبية والرعاية الصحية

      What is the latest research and newest developments for Multiple Sclerosis? title_stroke

      In the past years, there have been a lot of efforts from researchers around the world to better understand this disease. With current research, understanding the disease and what we know about it today has changed drastically since researchers’ initial efforts.

      *|| MRI machines have helped in diagnosing the disease in its early stages, which give providers the upper hand to create a treatment plan which stops the disease from advancing and being susceptible to its difficult symptoms.

      *|| According to the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) there are ten different kinds of treatment for patients which have not existed in the past.

      *|| Continuous research on the causes of MS to reduce its wide spread and even control the disease and its very early stages.

      *|| Research has helped us in improving the quality of life for patients by understanding the symptoms that come with MS and the path of treatment and control over the disease.

      ProximityFocal title_stroke

      will provide you with an international health plan and treatment protocols that are customized according to your correct diagnosis through our network of renowned consulting specialists in neurology from American universities.

      Medical Consultations - Proximity Focal